Honouring Betko’s Dedicated Female Workforce

On 9 August 2023 we get to celebrate National Women’s Day. This day is dedicated to honouring South African women, who often have to balance many commitments and responsibilities in their day-to-day lives.

At Betko, we know that good people are the cornerstone of our shared success, and for nearly 35 years, women have played an integral role in our workforce. On any given day, women make up around 70% of the average workforce at Betko and we value the long-term relationships we have built with them. A significant portion of the women on our team have been with us for twenty years or more, like Magdalena Voster, who has shown a strong spirit of determination and commitment during her remarkable 33 years with us.

In the packhouses, the majority of packers and sorters are women, and their invaluable expertise remains essential – even with the assistance of advanced technology. Thanks to their skilled hands and trained eyes, these women operate in a fast-paced, high-performance environment, proficiently sorting, wrapping, packing and labelling our products. Beyond these roles, women also make significant contributions in various other positions, including Quality Assurance, Finance, HR, and Health & Safety.

The women of Betko take pride in their work, showing a high level of care and diligence when handling and packing apples to ensure that only the best products reach our customers. They are team players regardless of culture, ethnicity or religion.

While the fruit industry may still be predominantly a man’s world, this hasn’t stopped women from making their mark within it. As a dynamic industry filled with good people, let us acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of all women in our industry, looking forward to the inspiring contributions of many more in the future.